Direct PCTV Scam or Fact?

October 17, 2008

We recently tested the Direct PCTV program to see if it really worked or not.  What we found out about Direct PCTV blew our mind…

We wanted to see if the DIrect PCTV was a scam or a fact and here’s what we found:

1.  The software was simple to install on our computer.

2.  The software is easy to run.

3.  We were able to access over 9000 channels, including all the ones on modern satellite tv – such as all the news, weather, shopping, sports, music, and movie channels.

4.  We can now disconnect our cable – we don’t need it now.  This will save us hundreds of dollars per year.

5.  The small one-time purchase price is nothing compared to the quality of television service, channel selection and $aving$!!

We highly recommend this Direct PCTV program…
Direct PCTV for 9000 Satellite Channels on your PC